Friday 7 April 2017

Survival Guide

I thought by the end of this session i could at least not die, sadly i came no where close to that.

I truly went hard but sadly it all came to an  end with the hunter, everything else was fine i was harvesting wood extremely fast with decreased amount of bears and wolves then usual and a stupid amount of flax. That's what i call a good spawn, with every encounter with the wildlife i hid, rocking 10 fps doesn't translate to amazing aim so i hid from conflict every chance i could even cutting into a wolves carcass just to hide from the grizzly bear i named Brian. Brian was the only reason i didn't become the hunter not the hunted he kept me from several crates which ultimately led to my demise, For my survival guide i truly sucked at this game if we had to talk about rust or any other survival game in the genre then we can have a discussion, sadly Subsistence never dragged out my inner nerd.
So my survival guide is to look anywhere else for a survival guide it will save your life.
Also Brian you suck.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Journalism day 2

From my experience the tree drops 3 pieces of wood and it always seem's to drop oak logs.

I still have 0 idea what wolves give you, every time i encounter one it seems this screen pops up and i restart over how weird.

This ore gives you 1 iron ore.

The supply crates are great, giving you essential startup equipment. Ammo and such.

Monday 3 April 2017

Game journalism

Basic needs for life in the game?

Survival, so basically need to watch out for temperature especially at night time. As well as hunger and thirst and health the three main compenents to any survival game.

A early access survival game, everything you would expect in the genre today. Cut some wood, scavenge for metals, and build a base to keep the baddie's out at night at the same time keeping your thirst and hunger in check.


Is the most popular survival game in the genre with polished game mechanics, good pvp and logical crafting systems. Subsistence looks like a old version of rust but bad.

Early Access

Early Access has suddenly gain in popularity, with the option for creator's to develop their game alongside the community with a bit of pay toll it seems worth it, sadly that isn't the case for this genre most titles end up being left by there devs or left out to dry after the money is made.

Tip 1

Always reload your gun when you first select it on your hotbar.